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Various Discount

Fares and Charges

fares & charges
various discount

Individual discount list (discount becomes any one kind of application)

 Discount ratei“j Discount The internet reservation discount (Japanese site only) Return trip discount Silver discount Student discount
Application period Normal period Special period Normal period Special period Normal period Special period Anytime
2nd grade nonreserved seat 20 ~ 20 10 20 ~ 20
2nd grade specification 20 ~ 20 10 20 ~ ¦20
1st grade 20 ~ 20 10 20 ~ ~
Special room
20 ~ 20 10 20 ~ ~
Royal room 20 ~ 20 10 20 ~ ~
car 20 ~ 20 10 20 ~ 20
Mortorbike 20 ~ 20 10 20 ~ 20
Truck ~ ~ 20 10 20 ~ ~
Discount Application Conditions An application is necessary(those of a receivable period with a setting) from the internet reservation Only the return trip less than on the 14th is from an outward trip The public certification which canprove full 60 or more years old is shown A "student I.D. card" or a "student notebook" is shown
  The purchase of the coupon in the travel agency ~ ›
(A truck is removed)
(A truck is removed)
Cash purchase at the counter of our company ~ › › ›

¦It is a chisel discount object for a 2nd grade nonreserved seat fare.

1.The details of a scope are as follows.

yNormal periodz A period usually comes except the above-mentioned special period and busy period.
ySpecial periodz

From Kyushu to Kansai, 1/2-1/7, 8/14-8/20 (Up hill)

From Kansai to Kyushu, 8/8-8/14, 12/25-12/30 (Down hill)

2.It is as (discount/various) follows.

There are 8 or more group reductions (a period is removed specially).

Coupon ticket discount of a passenger car or a truck becomes 1 service per 10 sheets.

What has application period condition in discount application a discount written request, a discount certificate, an indentification card (or thing replaced with it) , etc. are required. Please ask for details.

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